Lenovo Channel Chatter
Channel Chatter is your go-to, one-stop resource for everything Lenovo Channel—where we cover the latest tech trends, provide actionable insights, and equip you with powerful sales tips and tricks. This podcast is part of Lenovo’s Channel Chatter communications strategy to provide our Partners with actionable technology information in an easy-to-digest format.
Lenovo Channel Chatter
How Everything as a Service Changes the Game
Season 1
Episode 10
Join 5S Technologies, Les Roach, Director of Sales and Marketing and our host, Stephen Miller, as they explain how to open customers’ eyes to “everything as a service.” In this era of subscription addiction, you’ll learn how subscription-based hardware, software, services, and solutions offer a long-term revenue stream. Plus, you’ll learn how to collaborate with Lenovo to create this reoccurring revenue, while equipping yourself with the tools needed to sell CFOs on this model. Other guests include:
· Adrian Escobedo (Esco), Lenovo DCG Field C Suite
· Anna Kraemer, Lenovo Services Channel Account Manager